Twitter Cash

Twitter Cash




$50 PER DAY = $350 PER WEEK = OVER $18,000 DOLLARS A YEAR!!!

TwitterCash also has the tool to instantly convert followers into wallet waving buyers and it works almost every single time. 98% of the twitterweb have no idea what they are doing, so they fail to make money. Serious minded 'tweeple' on Twitter use this TwitterCash....

                                         Twitter Can Be A Source Of Additional Cash

extra money from Twitter
You can make extra money from Twitter by increasing the number of people who follow you. It’s a numbers game. But, once you get lots of followers, you must be careful. There is always the temptation to simply tweet sales links and promotions with hopes that they will buy. When everybody does that, Twitter starts to look like an advertising board and your message simply gets lost. Unfortunately for the average person who’s 1) not famous 2) has no following and 3) is just starting out, the road to gaining followers can be time-consuming and by the time you get a few hundred followers, others will be way ahead of you by the thousands.
Since I started playing with Twitter automation, I went from 1800-2000 followers to over 4,000 as of this writing, Jun 2009. Nothing to brag about. I realize that I could have probably used a tool or two out there and boost my follower count to 10,000-15,000 but I didn’t think it would be wise until I got a real good feel for the automation and Twitter itself. If you plan on gaining followers a few dozen at a time, it would take you’re a long, long time to get to the point where you can generate traffic to your blogs from Twitter. That makes automation necessary and this report provides many resources for you.

But once you get those followers, select the ones you want to begin a social relationship with because at the end, that is what will really matter for your success. If you have 50,000 followers but no real social interaction going on with them, yes, the odds are you will be able to sell a few things since a small percentage of people will often buy something. But if you had a good relationship with 10% of those followers, 5,000 people, who have come to like you and trust you, how much more would they rely on your expertise, advice and yes, even products that you recommend?
Remember: At the other end of a tweet there is always someone who doesn’t appreciate being hit with ads or sales links. They will unfollow and ignore you. Most people on Twitter are smart and

educated individuals who don’t want anyone trying to reach into their pockets. Focus on building as many relationships as possible with your current followers, a few dozen or a few hundred but that’s important. Then move on to the next batch of followers and do the same. Treat your Twitter users as friends and not as consumers. Provide true value in everything you do on Twitter.

We shouldn’t build relationships with the sole purpose of selling stuff to people. Think of it as not annoying your relatives with business opportunities they have no interest in. If it doesn’t work in real life, it won’t work on Twitter. Remember the Golden Rule? It’s a proven concept! .

First method :

Go to and enter your username.

Then click on “select all” and then click on the button on the right
side that says “follow”.
Once that is done, click the large blue “grow” button and then “select
all” and then click the smaller gray “grow” button on the right side of
the screen.
Now just keep doing this for a while until you’re following a bunch
of people, eventually about 75% of them will follow you back!

I will teach you two quick and simple methods that will get you thousands of quality followers within just a few days!

Your link and/or promotion will be seen by 1000’s of people EVERY day.

In this short, 4 page eBook, you will learn about 2 easy methods to get tons of followers! Also, I will let you know of 2 easy ways to make hundreds if not thousands of $$!


Twitter’s value to marketers and researchers is insights and perspective on the mass consciousness that is expressed through short bursts of communication.Twitter is experimenting with embedding search in the users profile page, but for now most users can turn to a range of Twitter search tools, each of which add varied functionality.
1. Twitter Search Uses frequent keyword searches to see what’s happening ‘right now.’
2. TweetScan Searches Twitter for certain keywords. Create an RSS feed of your Tweetscan search results to monitor what is being said about your topics.
3. Twit(url)y Tracks the URLs people are posting and talking about.
4. Hashtags Provides realtime tracking of Twitter Hashtags. (Seems to be suffering from lack of maintenace.)
5. TweetBeep Provides email alerts whenever a specific word or phrase is tweeted.
Twilert More or less the same as TweetBeep.
6. TweetMeme Aggregates the number of times a certain blog URL, picture, video, or sound file is
7. linked to on Twitter to show popularity.
8. Twitrratr Rates mentions of a search term as positive, neutral or negative. (Seems rather inaccurate.)
9. TwitScoop Crawls hundreds of tweets every minute and extracts words that are mentioned more often than usual. The result is displayed in a tag cloud.
10. Google Advanced Search Use Google’s advanced search to search

What is “The Tweet Tank”, and what do I get exactly ?

“The Tweet Tank” is a series of eight very well constructed fun instructional videos totaling more than one hour of hands on training. All you have to do is follow along and do exactly what the videos show you. These videos were created with inexperienced computer users in mind so they are very fun and easy.

How much can I make using “The Tweet Tank” ?

Amazingly, there is absolutely no cap on what your earnings could be and there is no limitations on usage of this product either. Simply put, the amount you and our other customers earn is completely up to you to decide! There are no income or earnings guarantees being made as such guarantees would be illegal for us to make, however this is a wonderful system and we have yet to see anyone fail to earn money!

How much work is it to use “The Tweet Tank” ?

“The Tweet Tank” is an incredibly easy system to use as 99% of it only has to be setup one time. However there is maintenance needed to grow your earnings to the level you wish to achieve. You will need to work at this for 15 minutes a day and that’s all that is required in order to build up a very lucrative income in under a month.* However, if you choose to work harder you will undoubtedly experience even better results!


Many of you have twitter account and as it is one of most popular site on the net many twitter user want more followers for them. How to increase Twitter Followers ? they used it for diverting traffic to their site. now today I am going to tell you an site which will boost your twitter followers. I tried it and work within a day so i think you to try. Twittbank is the site whic h offers you more followers.

Now lets Get Started to increase Followers :
1. First visit Twittbank.
2. Enter your twitter user id and password.
3. Click on Let's get started
4. In the Column Looking for people talking about put the Keywords and click on submit.
5. Then in These people should be from Put the from which place would the users from or leave it default.
6. Then scroll little down and Click on I am Happy, bye !

If you thought using Twitter was only for social networking, think again. People are starting to tap in to the concept of making money with their Twitter website. You can make money with Twitter, but there are certain things you have to do in order to make a profit.
Of course, you must have a Twitter account in order to make money with Twitter. Signing up for a Twitter account does not cost you anything. When you get your Twitter site set up, you will want to start posting tweets to your site. Posting tweets will help you get followers. When followers tweet posts to you, you should respond in kind.

It is not necessary to have a gigantic following in order to make money with Twitter. It's better to have followers that have the same interests than hundreds of followers that are not interested in cultivating a relationship with you on your Twitter site.

You don't want to be too quick about promoting things in the very beginning. It's better to get to know the followers on your site. You should want to establish a trust with them. They should also want to establish a trust with you. When it's time for you to make money with Twitter, it will be easier for you because the relationship has been established.

When you are ready to make money with Twitter, don't blatantly promote your products or services. Some people could think that you are trying to spam them. It's not a good idea to mention your product to your followers every time you send a tweet.

However, when the time is right, here are some ways that you can make money with Twitter:

* Product recommendation - You could write a recommendation of a product to your followers. Encourage them to check it out and take action. It's a good idea if you actually tried out the product yourself before you recommend it to them. It will make you the expert on it, and they will be more inclined to purchase.

* Affiliate marketing - If you are recommending a product on behalf of someone else, you can place your affiliate link in your tweet post.

* Your product - You can promote your own product and sell it from your sales page.

Any of these ideas are ways that you can make money from Twitter. The key to doing it is not to constantly throw it in their face everytime you tweet. Your followers will be turned off because they will start thinking that your main motive for being on Twitter is to sell your product. The easier way to lead up to this is to provide quality and meaningful content to your followers.

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The 5 things any new Twitter user should know when getting started

Sign Up

Go to and click the big green button that says Get Started — Join! The sign-up process is thankfully brief: Name, user name, password, e-mail. Pick a user name you’ll be comfortable with as a nickname for yourself. It’s better to use your real name than something like makemoneyfast.

Send Your First Tweet
Log in with your new user name and password. Find the big box at the top of the screen that asks, What are you doing? You can type anything you want here, but a good first tweet is something that says hello to the world. Oprah Winfrey’s first successful tweet said FEELING VERY 21st CENTURY. Here’s a tip: Don’t type in all capitals.


Now that you’ve got your first tweet out of the way, it’s time to personalize your account. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the page. Most important is that you add a photo rather than leave the default Twitter icon. Nothing says “clueless newbie” like the default picture. Poke through the other settings to add information about yourself.

Follow Users

By default, Twitter doesn’t show any tweets when you log in. You can subscribe to other users: Click on a user’s photo or name to go to that page. Then click the Follow button that appears beneath the picture. Other people can follow you. If you don’t know whom to follow, start with President Obama’s communications staff at There’s also a list of Suggested Users on the Find People page. (Insider drama: Some Twitter users are furious at being left off the Suggested Users list, because they’ll never collect as many followers as Alison or Justine, the pretty ladies at the top of the list.)

You don’t have to follow everyone who follows you, but it’s considered good Twitter etiquette to at least consider it.

It’s possible to block other users from following you. But I don’t advise joining Twitter unless you love attention.


Bookmark This page lets you search all tweets on Twitter, Google-style. There’s an Advanced Search page you’ll eventually find useful for constructing pickier searches.

Twitter Blaster script  V 3.0 Twitter Blaster is a PHP script that will bring viral traffic to your site using the Twitter network.
You can build a list very quickly using this technique and increase your profits.

How does it work?

Here’s an example:

* Find some PLR products in your niche with a readymade sales page.
* Improve it as much as possible (sales page, ecover, main product…).
* Next to the order button on the sales page, add a “Free Download” button that links to a page with Twitter Blaster.
* Order button is optional just in case that visitor doesn’t have a Twitter account, but who wants your product.
* On the free download page, the Twitter Blaster script asks the visitor to post your message and your site URL on his Twitter profile in order to get your free download.
* Many of his friends see your message on Twitter and visit your sales page. You are getting more and more traffic after each download.
* With 2 simple clicks visitor is posting your message and in next step has to write his Twitter username.
* The script then checks if your message is on the visitors Twitter page and if it is, sends him to download page.
* Before they reach the download page you can add an opt-in form to build your list or you can create a One Time Offer - It’s all up to you.

Twitter Secret

You’ll Discover How To Tap Into One Of The Most Powerful Viral Traffic Machines Online And Make More Money Than You Ever Imagined Using Twitter Marketing Secrets To Ethically Get Free Targeted Traffic On Auto-Pilot!And I Fully Guarantee… My Simple Results Producing Methods and Proven System Will Make You More Money… Generate Swarms of Pre-Qualified Targeted Twitter Traffic To YOUR Site…And Give You The Power To Quickly Get Thousands Of Followers Right Here…Right Now!