Twitter’s value to marketers and researchers is insights and perspective on the mass consciousness that is expressed through short bursts of communication.Twitter is experimenting with embedding search in the users profile page, but for now most users can turn to a range of Twitter search tools, each of which add varied functionality.
1. Twitter Search Uses frequent keyword searches to see what’s happening ‘right now.’
2. TweetScan Searches Twitter for certain keywords. Create an RSS feed of your Tweetscan search results to monitor what is being said about your topics.
3. Twit(url)y Tracks the URLs people are posting and talking about.
4. Hashtags Provides realtime tracking of Twitter Hashtags. (Seems to be suffering from lack of maintenace.)
5. TweetBeep Provides email alerts whenever a specific word or phrase is tweeted.
Twilert More or less the same as TweetBeep.
6. TweetMeme Aggregates the number of times a certain blog URL, picture, video, or sound file is
7. linked to on Twitter to show popularity.
8. Twitrratr Rates mentions of a search term as positive, neutral or negative. (Seems rather inaccurate.)
9. TwitScoop Crawls hundreds of tweets every minute and extracts words that are mentioned more often than usual. The result is displayed in a tag cloud.
10. Google Advanced Search Use Google’s advanced search to search